Stock Sails as of February 2025

SeaDog Commander 1m2 now available with sewn in boom.

I've had many requests for a 1m2 sail with a sewn in boom instead of the looose foot.  The disadvantages of the loose foot boom, is that it can become tangled up in deck fittings, less easy to stow when not in use and requires adjustment of the outhaul for maximum performance.  The 1m with sewn in boom is similar to the Commander 0.8m with the boom integrated into the foot of the sail.  It is a much easier sail to use requiring no adjustments for varying wind conditions, and in practise gives no loss of performance compared to the loose foot. 


When ordering your 1m2 sail, request either sewn in boom or loose foot.  Either option is available depending on your personal choice. 


Comment from kayaker who took the picture of the sewn in boom on 1m2

"My brand new 1m2 Seadog sail with the integrated boom.  It holds a lovely shape, and is easier to manage on deck than the 1m2 sail with a separate boom."

I have one of these new 1m2 sails in stock for immediate delivery.

Commander 1m2 with sewn in boom available for immediate delivery.

The following sails are either in stock and available for immediate delivery, or
if sold similar sails can be requested.
All sails come with reefing eyelets and clearview window as standard.
Reefing option reduces the area of the 0.8m down to 0.6m for stronger winds. 
Contact Richard quoting Code No. and shipping address to order.
Sails shipped Australia wide or Internationally.  Request shipping quote.

Contact Richard at

SeaDog Commander 1m2 in Finland.

For maximum performance in wind range 10-15knots order the 1m2 
The 1m2 sail comes as standard with the loose foot.  The loose foot allows the sail to be adjusted to optimum curvature in the foot of the sail giving maximum power on a reach.
The 1m2 comes with reefing eyelets as standard allowing the sail area to be reduced to 0.8m2 when desired.
The mast has been reinforced to take the extra loads involved.
Mast length of the 1m2 is 166cm
Mast length of the 0.8m is 146cm
Before ordering a 1m sail check that the mast length is suitable for your boat.  The mast base is mounted 136cm from the outer edge of the cockpit coaming for both 1m and 0.8m sails.

Juho Paaso sailing in 15-20 Knots with his 1m2 on link below

All SeaDog Commander sails now come with a ClearView window in the bottom panel for exceptional forward vision.

All sails sold with the Riley Flexible deck fitting. The company closed down 2 yrs ago but i've been able to source these fittings which are far superior to the Ronstan equivalent.


Commander 1m2 with reefing eyelets and loose foot $450
Commander 0.8m2 with reefing eyelets (standard sail)  $400
Commander 0.7m2 with reefing eyelets $390

Black Diamond 0.6m2 single batten no reefing $310

Sails supplied with mast, boom, battens, reefing eyelets, spectra side and backstays, sheet and uphaul cords, flexible mast base and sail bag.
Custom coloured to match your boat.
Commander 0.8m Stock 1 This colour combination highly visible on water.

Commander 0.8m Stock 2 Red with ClearView panel

Commander 0.8m Stock 3 Blue with Clearview panel

Commander 0.8m Stock 4 Green with ClearView panel

Commander 0.8m Stock 5    

Commander 0.8m Stock 6

Code 307 Custom coloured to match above Mirage 582
Commander 0.8m Code GC

Commander 0.8m Code 479  

 Commander 0.8m Code 1197  

Commander 0.8 Code 949    
See through bottom panel for better forward vision.

Commander 0.8 Code 1235


Commander 0.7m2 in 15 knots.
Ideal sail for a lighter weight lady or any lightweight person.

Custom colours to match your boat.

Commander 0.8m2 in SailGP colours of the Australian Foiling boat
Quote Sail\GP

Commander 1m2 Loose Foot for maximum performance.
Only suitable for boats over 5.3m

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